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Mr. Tomatos Unblocked

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Horror games can be very different. Some stun you with realistically horrible screamers and scenes right from the start. Some keep you in suspense as you explore some spooky premises pulling away from the slightest sound or shadow. And some are just creepy, even though nothing particularly scary seems to be happening. And even if there is a tint of irony or foolishness there, it still gives you that thrill. Mr. Tomatos unblocked is just the kind of a game!

A kitchen horror? Why not!

So, here is the deal. You’re locked in a kitchen together with some strange and dangerous character. His name is Mr. Tomatos, and a tomato he is, all right. But he looks, talks and, most importantly, chews like a human. So you can’t tell exactly what kind of a monster he is. One thing you know – he is hungry, and you have to keep feeding him if you want to stay alive. The catch is, Mr. Tomatos is not easily pleased. He won’t eat just anything. He has his own list of preferred meals that keeps changing all the time, and you have to adapt to his moods to keep his anger meter from creeping up to a dangerously high value. Because then you’ll see another side of Mr. Tomatos, and you won’t be happy about it!

Mr. Tomatos is waiting for his meal!

The gameplay basically consists of searching for the right food or ingredients around the kitchen and feeding them to the hero, or using them to mix together the food he wants. Sometimes it can be something downright strange, but don’t get surprised – we already told you, Mr. Tomatos is not your regular ‘hamburger, please’ customer.

The controls are so easy to handle – just move your mouse around the kitchen and click on the needed object. Also click on Mr. Tomatos when you want to give him the food (or stab him with a knife, for that matter). The same about the interface – everything’s right there in front of you, no need to go digging through menus or searching for buttons. It’s so simple you can basically play this thing with your eyes closed (although, that might not be the best idea when you’re trying to find the mustard, though). So, if you’re looking for a game that’s both easy to play and totally insane, Mr. Tomatoes is your jam. Just don’t blame me if you end up having nightmares afterwards!

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