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Mr. Tomatos and Ms. Lemons

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Get ready for something unusual, thrilling and fun! Because you’re about to meet two popular horror game heroes at once, in one game! Mr. Tomatos and Ms. Lemons are both fruits and they are both very quick-tempered. While one of them used to torture you with sophisticated meal orders, the other is a teacher obsessed with giving her students the most intricate tasks. What is it going to be in this new game? Let’s start playing and find out!

Two fruits of the same creepy sort!

So what kind of characters are you up against? Well, you surely remember Mr. Tomatos and his insatiable appetite. And also his freaky tastes in food. Gosh, it was such a nightmare to cook those meals for him! And when you were getting fed up with his whims and would throw something inedible and disgusting into his soup – something like a bunch of potato peels or a dirty rag – he would always go ballistic on you, and that was a fight for your life!

What about Ms. Lemons? No, she’s not much of an eater. But she’s an avid task giver. She loves tasking people to solve all sorts of puzzles. Some of them rather tricky, so if you already played Ms. Lemons, you know that when she’s giving you that sour stare from behind her glasses, it doesn’t bode well. And just like Mr. Tomatos, she would fly into a rage when you weren’t coping with her tasks fast and good enough. So is it any wonder these two characters ended up in the same horror game? Not a bit! Prepare for another round of creepy adventures waiting for you in the company of the evil fruits!

Let a new horror adventure begin!

Of course, it’s not one of those horror games that will make you really jump up on your seat because it’s so lifelike and scary, especially when a monster looking just as if it was real suddenly appears on the screen and roars its dreadfully detailed mouths out of your speakers. But you can get some rather creepy vibes out of spending time together with Mr. Tomatos and Ms. Lemons. Besides, the gameplay is so exciting and addicting that you will be hooked up and waiting for another twist of events before you even know it! So plunge right into it and enjoy this totally new yet familiarly spooky fruit flavor!

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